What is a Museum? Ann Davis, André Desvallées, François Mairesse (ed.)
Artikelnummer: 8704.0819
What is a Museum? von Ann Davis, André Desvallées, François Mairesse (ed.)
What is a Museum? von Ann Davis, André Desvallées, François Mairesse (ed.)
This book addresses administrators and politicians, museum professionals and museologists likewise. It reflects the so-called ICOM "definition" of museum in a new light and gives an impression how visitors meet with museums.
Revised edition and English translation by Ann Davis and Lynn Maranda, and Suzanne Nash
© Verlag Dr. C. Müller-Straten München and the International Committee for Museology of the International Council of Museums, 2010
- Autor diverse
- Herausgeber Dr. Christian Müller-Straten & International Committee for Museology of the International Council of Museums
- Verlag Dr. Christian Müller-Straten, München www.museumaktuell.de
- ISBN 978-3-932704-81-9
- Auflage 2. korrigierte und erweiterte Auflage
- Erscheinungsdatum 02.2011
- Format DIN A5
- Seitenzahl 218
- Abbildungen 70 schwarz & weiss
- Altersempfehlung keine
- Sprache Englisch
Versand: A-Post Plus - B4
Michel Van Praët - The Paradox of the Seagull -
Ann Davis
François Mairesse, André Desvallées and Ann Davis - Redefining Museum,
Part I: Defining Museum
- François Mairesse - The Term Museum
- Gary Edson - Defining Museum
- André Gob - A Museum Dialogue
- Lynn Maranda - On “Museum”
- Marc Maure - The Museum: Expressing Identity
- Tereza M. Scheiner - Defining Museum and Museology: an Ongoing Process
- Tomislav Šola - The Museum Definition: Questioning the Scope and Motives
Part II: Does the Calgary Declaration Redefine Museum?
- Bernard Deloche - Definition of Museum
- André Desvallées - About the Definition of Museum
- Jennifer Harris - The Definition of Museum
- Ivo Maroevic - Towards the New Definition of Museum
- Olga Nazor - Reflections on the Notion “Museum”
- Andrés Sansoni - Thoughts About an “Aletheia” of Museum
- Martin R. Schärer - What is a Museum?
- Marc Maure - How do visitors see the museum? A picture collection